State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

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Richard L. Tabler #999523

Polunsky Unit D.R.
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston -  Texas  77351

For a first contact if you like:, please leave a postal address for response. Thank you


"E-DATES" - October 2007

"TEXAS TWO STEP" - October 2007

Death Row Inmate Pleads for Execution Date

Posted: Oct 3, 2008 

By Kim Wynne

BELTON - A convicted murderer sentenced to death says he doesn't want to wait to die.

Death Row inmate Richard Lee Tabler appeared before a Bell County judge Tuesday, asking to waive his appeals and volunteered for execution.

Tabler, 30, of Killeen asked Judge Martha Trudo to drop his appeals as he requested his execution date.

Tabler made the same request in a letter that he wrote to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in August.

He begins the letter with, "Greetings and peace be unto you."

The letter continues, "I'd like to waive my rights to habeus corpus proceeding and volunteer for execution...I wish to drop my appeals and get an execution date."

Tabler was convicted of capital murder in March 2007.

The inmate was found guilty in the shooting deaths of four people, two men and two teenage girls, during Thanksgiving weekend in 2004.


Death row inmate Richard Tabler moved, mother jailed, sister also charged... (for what guards made money with and brought inside the prison) 

Associated Press - October 22, 2008

HOUSTON (AP) - A Texas death row inmate at the center of a smuggled cell phone scandal has been moved over concerns he might be contemplating suicide.....
In the NEWS:




Why do we refer to grass as always being green?
The same reason we prefer our dinner plates to be clean. 

Ever wonder why the mountains stand so high in the sky?
Maybe for the same reason the ghetto child continues to cry 

       Here's something else to think about                   

Why do we curse and pray using the same mouth?
Is it the only way we can speak without saying a word?

      Or is it that we just want to be heard Generals win wars by the tone in their voice, 

Birds in the air fly without gettting off course.   

 suppose i can look and continue to be amazed   

going through life without understanding its maze.

And yet, no matter what i do or what i say;              

i will always have small thoughts, grown answers for the rest of my days. 

For all of my 'small thoughts mirror grown answers', 

Even if no one can explain the things that have already happened

By: R. Tabler #999523 

  " E-DATES"

Is it legal for a grown man to cry?

If ao, then that explains why tears form in my eyes.

Another day-brought forth another execution

Another cold body just got stamped by Texas distribution.

Too many of my brothers are being killed on that gurney

Marching them quickly into their spiritual journey.

You hope that their hearts are in the right place,

You pray that their souls get that Heavenly tasts.

But nothing is for certain

Éverything remains a mystery,

and when you take your final breathe- 

you will become apart of history.

And that's what's so sad about what I have to say,

because 'someone' will loose a loved one on that day.

No one finds 'closure' on a open wound

But in Texas, E-DATES shall continue to zoom.

By: R. Tabler #999523 


Tuesday Night 6-12-2007

To future new friends outside these condemned walls on Death Row ...

Welcome to the life of "Richard L. Tabler" #999523. Inside my memory is where I write these lines from ...

Born on February 5th 1979 in California wish blondish/brown hair and blue eyes. I'm now 28 years old. Weighing in at 187 pounds and a high of 6,4. I'm mixed with Italian and Jamaican. I ended up going to live in Fort Myers , Florida at the age of 9 with a nice house on SE 8th place in Cape Coral Florida . I ended up graduating from Ft. Myers High off of old 41.  Just down from the Hospital. That was back in 1996. The gap between 1996 to 2004 was mixture of being in the military for 5 years only to end up in prison in Cali . for a short time. In late 2004 I came to Texas ( Fort Hood !) military base to visit with my older sister and mother. 

Low and behold not even 3 months after being in Texas I'm locked away and charged for 4 counts of Capital Murder, two of which I'm 100% innocent of and two of which were done in self-defense! 3 years later here I am in Hell on Death Row Texas .

Well, I want find myself a female pen-pal who won't judge me from my past actions .... now.

Thanks for reading this little letter of mine. May God be with you and your loved ones.

God Bless!!


Too many of my brothers are being killed on that gurney

Marching them quickly into their spiritual journey.

You hope that their hearts are in the right place,

You pray that their souls get that Heavenly tasts.

But nothing is for certain

Everything remains a mystery,

and when you take your final breathe- 

you will become apart of history.

And that's what's so sad about what I have to say,

because 'someone' will loose a loved one on that day.

No one finds 'closure' on a open wound

But in Texas, E-DATES shall continue to zoom.


By: R. Tabler #999523 

Donnerstag Nacht, 12. Dezember 2007

An meinen zukünftigen neuen Freund außerhalb dieser verdammten Mauern des Todestrakts …

Willkommen im Leben von “Richard L. Tabler” #999532. Diese Zeilen schreibe ich aus meinen Erinnerungen heraus …


Geboren am 05. Februar 1979 in Kalifornien mit blond/braunem Haar und blauen Augen. Jetzt bin ich 28 Jahre alt. Ich wiege 85 kg und bin 1,93 m groß. Ich bin italienisch und jamaikanisch gemischt. Ich zog nach Fort Myers in Florida und im Alter von 9 Jahren zog ich in ein schönes Haus auf der SE 8th place in Cape Coral in Florida. Ich machte meinen Abschluss auf der Ft. Myers High runter von der old 41. Direkt unten am Krankenhaus. Das war im Jahr 1996. Die Lücke zwischen 1996 und 2004 war eine Mischung aus 5 Jahren Militär nur um im kalifornischen Gefängnis landen – für eine kurze Zeit. Im späten 2004 kam ich nach Texas zur Fort Hood! Militär Basis um meine ältere Schwester und meine Mutter zu besuchen. Und siehe da nicht einmal 3 Monate nach meiner Ankunft in Texas wurde ich weggesperrt und für vierfachen Mord verurteilt, bei zwei von denen bin ich zu 100% unschuldig, da sie in Notwehr geschahen! 3 Jahre später bin ich hier in der Hölle im texanischen Todestrakt.


Nun, ich möchte jetzt eine weibliche Brieffreundin finden, die mich nicht für meine Vergangenheit verurteilt.


Danke für das Lesen meines Briefes. Möge Gott mit dir und deinen Lieben sein.

Gott schütze!!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Richard L. Tabler #999523
Polunsky Unit D.R.
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston - Texas 77351