State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

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Texas' 17th execution in 2010 

Larry Wooten RIP

Date of Execution:
October 21, 2010
Last Statement:

No sir. Warden, Since I don't have nothing to say, you can go ahead and send me to my Heavenly Father.

Larry W. Wooten


             SMILE                                  13.07.2004


Hallo, how are you doing on this wonderful day?

My name is Mr. Larry W. Wooten. My age is 45 and birthday is December 10, 1958. I am a black man my height is 5 feet 5 inch tall. I am on death row. I have been on the row for 6 years. I would like to find a pen pal.

Would like to write to women colour do not matter. I do not have family. Help me in here. I hope I could find someone to talk to. I don’t want to write to a woman that is already writing to someone on death row. I am a down to earth person, open minded, love to love and would love to love a under woman. I am a Christian.

Thank you

Larry Wooten


August, 2004  

....It’s said that many strive to take all they can from life. That’s epitomized by my current circumstances in life. It’s also said that it’s best to give all to life. That’s epitomized by compassion, love and friendship. Giving the best I can to life is something I strive daily to achieve although I am confined within the “halls of death”. Because ones body is simply a visible part of one’s soul. A very small and insignificant aspect that’s merely able to reach so far in the complete realm of life, where we truly exist; Mind, spirit and soul is what should matter; sadly this isn’t apparent to those whom cage my body. However I realize that with compassion, love and friendship they will be awaken, just as I am. Once they are, they’ll understand why and how day after day and year after year I open my eyes in a steal and concrete world and smile. Something that may appear so simple is what has kept me going while facing great adversity. And it’s what I would love to share with the world. I would greatly love if you, whoever you are, would allow us to share this small but great aspect of life. This experience would be cherishable for the both of us… do you agree? If so, take a moment to write me and allow us the opportunity of our lifetime…


Thank you and be blessed!


Mr. Larry W. Wooten #999269

Polunsky Unit 3872

F.M. 350 South

Livingston, Texas 77351







August, 2004

....Es wird gesagt, dass manche danach streben, alles im Leben zu bekommen. Das ist in meiner momentanen Lebenssituation ausgeschlossen. Auch wird gesagt, dass es am besten ist, einfach alles zu geben im Leben. Das ist nur durch Mitgefühl, Liebe und Freundschaft möglich! Mein Bestes an das Leben zu geben ist das, was ich täglich anstrebe zu tun, trotzdem ich in der Halle des Todes eingesperrt bin. Weil der Körper einfach ein sichtbarer Teil der Seele ist, nur ein kleiner und unbedeutender Teil, dem es nicht möglich ist, in die Tiefe des wirklichen Lebens zu gelangen. Da, wo wir wirklich sind; in den Gedanken, der Seele und dem Herzen. Doch traurigerweise ist das nicht vorhanden bei denen, die meinen Körper einsperren. Trotzdem merke ich, dass sie aufgeweckt werden mit Mitgefühl, Liebe und Freundschaft, genau wie ich aufgewachte. Und wenn Sie aufgeweckt worden sind, werden sie bemerken, dass ich tagein, tagaus, jahrein, jahraus in dieser betonierten und stählernen Welt aufwachen kann und lächle. Etwas, das so einfach erschein, ließ mich durchhalten während ich mit so viel Elend konfrontiert bin. Und das ist es, was ich gerne mit der Welt teilen möchte. Ich würde es sehr gerne sehen, wenn Du, wer immer Du bist, diesen kleinen, aber großartigen Aspekt des Lebens, mit mir teilen würdeica">

August, 2004  

....It’s said that many strive to take all they can from life. That’s epitomized by my current circumstances in life. It’s also said that it’s best to give all to life. That’s epitomized by compassion, love and friendship. Giving the best I can to life is something I strive daily to achieve although I am confined within the “halls of death”. Because ones body is simply a visible part of one’s soul. A very small and insignificant aspect that’s merely able to reach so far in the complete realm of life, where we truly exist; Mind, spirit and soul is what should matter; sadly this isn’t apparent to those whom cage my body. However I realize that with compassion, love and friendship they will be awaken, just as I am. Once they are, they’ll understand why and how day after day and year after year I open my eyes in a steal and concrete world and smile. Something that may appear so simple is what has kept me going while facing great adversity. And it’s what I would love to share with the world. I would greatly love if you, whoever you are, would allow us to share this small but great aspect of life. This experience would be cherishable for the both of us… do you agree? If so, take a moment to write me and allow us the opportunity of our lifetime…


Thank you and be blessed!


Mr. Larry W. Wooten #999269

Polunsky Unit 3872

F.M. 350 South

Livingston, Texas 77351
