State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

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Peter A. Cantu

Texas' execution on August 17, 2010

3rd trip to Texas death chamber for grieving dad
The Associated Press
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

in the news



August 11, 2005

My name is Peter Cantu and I'm a deathrow prisoner writing this letter in order to reach out to the world for a hand in friendship, with the tremendous hopes that some out there will accept my friendship during these times of tribulation.

I'm a 30 year old Hispanic and I like reading fictional novels, newspapers, magazines and listening to any good music. I also enjoy sports and I exercise everyday. I'm normally a quiet person but I do like to engage in intelectual conversation.

I seek anyone who is non-judmental, open-minded, and honest which are mutual traits that I reciprocate willingly because honesty is the foundation to lasting friendships. I live in a world of  darkness and desolation but refuse to allow the negative to swallow me up. This is a world of confinement for 23 hours a day but it's your letter that humanize, where the Texas officials have sought to dehumanize me. It's your letters that light this world of darkness and brings forth smiles in a place where smiles shouldn't exist. When you reach forth across a vast ocean thousands of miles away, in an effort to bring friendship, you in essense actually pull a man out of the abyss.

I'm not sure what tomorrow may bring but today is well within my grasp. In the midst of life's most chaotic storm, it's your friendship that makes me even stronger as I stand in the storm. So I ask you, with an open heart to please take a moment of your precious time and send me your line of friendship which will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time in reading this letter and I truly hope to hear from you soon.



Peter A. Cantu #999093
Polunsky Unit D.R.
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston -  Texas  77351

11. August, 2005

Mein Name ist Peter Cantu und ich bin ein Todestrakthäftling, der diesen Brief schreibt um Menschen da draußen zu erreichen in Freundschaft und der großen Hoffnung, dass jemand da draußen meine Freundschaft in den schweren Zeiten annimmt.

Ich bin ein 30-jähriger Hispanic und lese gerne fiktive Romane, Zeitungen, Magazine und ich höre gerne jegliche Art von guter Musik. Auch habe ich Spaß an Sport und täglichem Training. Normalerweise bin ich ein stiller Mensch aber ich führe gerne intellektuelle Gespräche.

Ich suche jemanden, der nicht voreingenommen ist, offen und ehrlich ist, denn das Merkmale, die ich habe, und Ehrlichkeit ist die Grundlage für eine dauerhafte Freundschaft. Ich lebe in einer Welt voller Dunkelheit und Isolation, aber ich wehre mich dagegen, dass das Negative mich auffrisst. Hier ist eine Welt, in der ich 23 Stunden am Tag eingesperrt bin, aber es ist Ihr Brief, der alles menschlich macht, obwohl die texanischen Beamten alles geben, um mich zu entmenschlichen. Es ist Ihr Brief, der Licht in diese dunkle Welt bringt und ein Lächeln, wo es kein Lächeln geben sollte. Wenn Sie diesen Brief den ganzen Weg über das Meer schicken um Freundschaft zu geben, wird Ihre Mühe einen Mann aus dem Abgrund ziehen.

Ich weiß nicht, was der morgige Tag bringt, aber heute geht es mir in meinen Möglichkeiten ganz gut. Mitten im kaotischen Sturm meines Lebens werde ich sogar noch stärker, während ich mitten drin stehe. Also bitte ich Si

3rd trip to Texas death chamber for grieving dad
The Associated Press
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

in the news



August 11, 2005

My name is Peter Cantu and I'm a deathrow prisoner writing this letter in order to reach out to the world for a hand in friendship, with the tremendous hopes that some out there will accept my friendship during these times of tribulation.

I'm a 30 year old Hispanic and I like reading fictional novels, newspapers, magazines and listening to any good music. I also enjoy sports and I exercise everyday. I'm normally a quiet person but I do like to engage in intelectual conversation.

I seek anyone who is non-judmental, open-minded, and honest which are mutual traits that I reciprocate willingly because honesty is the foundation to lasting friendships. I live in a world of  darkness and desolation but refuse to allow the negative to swallow me up. This is a world of confinement for 23 hours a day but it's your letter that humanize, where the Texas officials have sought to dehumanize me. It's your letters that light this world of darkness and brings forth smiles in a place where smiles shouldn't exist. When you reach forth across a vast ocean thousands of miles away, in an effort to bring friendship, you in essense actually pull a man out of the abyss.

I'm not sure what tomorrow may bring but today is well within my grasp. In the midst of life's most chaotic storm, it's your friendship that makes me even stronger as I stand in the storm. So I ask you, with an open heart to please take a moment of your precious time and send me your line of friendship which will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time in reading this letter and I truly hope to hear from you soon.
